CHRISTMAS MYSTERY SOLVED! The Reason Twins Go Missing Explained - Creepypasta

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CHRISTMAS MYSTERY SOLVED! The Reason Twins Go Missing Explained - Creepypasta
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🔪 Creepypasta Title: Twins continue to go missing during the Christmas season, The truth is revealing itself Chapter 1: I've been a private investigator for fifteen years. Mostly routine stuff...
mostra másTwins continue to go missing during the Christmas season, The truth is revealing itself
Chapter 1:
I've been a private investigator for fifteen years. Mostly routine stuff – insurance fraud, cheating spouses, corporate espionage. The cases that keep the lights on but don't keep you up at night. That changed when Margaret Thorne walked into my office three days after Christmas, clutching a crumpled Macy's shopping bag like it was the only thing keeping her tethered to reality.
My name is August Reed. I operate out of a small office in Providence, Rhode Island, and I'm about to tell you about the case that made me seriously consider burning my PI license and opening a coffee shop somewhere quiet. Somewhere far from the East Coast. Somewhere where children don't disappear.
Mrs. Thorne was a composed woman, early forties, with the kind of rigid posture that speaks of old money and private schools. But her hands shook as she placed two school photos on my desk. Kiernan and Brynn Thorne, identical twins, seven years old. Both had striking auburn hair and those peculiar pale green eyes you sometimes see in Irish families.
"They vanished at the Providence Place Mall," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "December 22nd, between 2:17 and 2:24 PM. Seven minutes. I only looked away for seven minutes."
👉 This Creepypasta was written by u/SocietysMenaceCC
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