
Conquering New Territories With PATRICK MAMELI From PESTILENCE

18 de oct. de 2024 · 9m 56s
Conquering New Territories With PATRICK MAMELI From PESTILENCE

For the first time ever and finally, legendary extreme Dutch metal act PESTILENCE conquer Australian territory when they hit our shores for a run of shows next month.  PESTILENCE was...

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For the first time ever and finally, legendary extreme Dutch metal act PESTILENCE conquer Australian territory when they hit our shores for a run of shows next month. 
PESTILENCE was one of the first major bands to emerge from the Dutch metal underground of the 1980’s. While all the other groups from that era have since vanished into ancient history, PESTILENCE is as vital, relevant, and ambitious as ever. In their early beginnings the band wrote history with its albums Consvming Impvlse, Testimony Of The Ancients and Spheres – all albums that helped shape death metal as we know it.
HEAVY recently spent some time with founding member and vocalist Patrick Mameli to find out more.
In the full interview, we discussed Pestilence's upcoming tour in Australia, which will be their first time in the country. Patrick expressed gratitude to Dave Haley for making the tour possible, and shared his preference for experiencing new places without prior expectations. Patrick emphasized the importance of delivering high-quality music. He also talked about their performance at Froth & Fury Festival and who he was most looking forward to seeing. The conversation then shifted to the history and evolution of the band Pestilence, with Patrick explaining the band's style evolution from thrash metal to death metal. He also mentioned what kept him coming back to the project despite disbanding and reforming a number of times over the years.
We delved into the past, present and future of Pestilence, and more.
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Autor HEAVY Magazine
Organización HEAVY Magazine
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