Correctional Officer Arrested for OWI After Speeding Excessively in Pleasant Prairie, WI

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Correctional Officer Arrested for OWI After Speeding Excessively in Pleasant Prairie, WI
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Correctional Officer Arrested for OWI After Speeding Excessively in Pleasant Prairie, WI Around 10:20 PM on November 7, 2023, Officer Zachary Burnside with the Pleasant Prairie Department observed a 2022...
mostra másAround 10:20 PM on November 7, 2023, Officer Zachary Burnside with the Pleasant Prairie Department observed a 2022 Honda speeding 75 MPH in a 45 MPH zone on Green Bay Road. He activated his emergency lights to initiate a traffic stop, and the driver pulled over on Sherida Road near 104th Street. He made contact with the driver, who was identified as 21-year-old Madison, and asked her where she was coming from. Madison told Officer Burnside that she was coming from her boyfriend’s house. She would later state that she was a correctional officer for Milwaukee County.
As he was speaking with Madison, Officer Burnside detected the odor of alcohol and observed other indicators of impairment. He asked Madison how much she had to drink, and Madison admitted to a Mike’s Hard Lemonade earlier that evening. He returned to his patrol car to run her information through the system, and another officer arrived on scene to assist. Based on his suspicion of impairment, he asked Madison to perform field sobriety exercises.
The first field sobriety exercise involved the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test. During the HGN test, Officer Burnside observed a lack of smooth pursuit and distinct and sustained nystagmus at maximum deviation. He did not observe vertical nystagmus. The second exercise was the Walk and Turn test, and Madison failed to touch heel-to-toe on each step, turned improperly, and used her arms for balance. The final field sobriety exercise was the One Leg Stand test. During the One Leg Stand test, Madison failed to raise her foot in the proper fashion and put her foot down before the test was complete during both attempts.
After the field sobriety exercises were completed, Madison was offered an opportunity to blow into a preliminary breath test (PBT), and the results indicated a BAC of 0.174%. Based on her erratic driving, her indicators of impairment, her admission to consuming alcohol, her inability to perform the field sobriety tests adequately, and the results of the PBT indicating that she was over the legal limit, Madison was placed under arrest for operating while intoxicated (OWI).
Officer Tiffany Diaz arrived on scene to conduct a search, and subsequently placed Madison IN Officer Burnside’s patrol car. After Madison was placed in the patrol car, Officer Diaz searched her vehicle and found an open and empty 16 FL OZ container of Mike’s Hard Lemonade. After the search of her vehicle, Officer Diaz remained on scene until Madison’s mother retrieved her vehicle.
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