Couple Found Passed Out In A Car Get Arrested For Trespassing and Possession Of Dr*gs.

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Couple Found Passed Out In A Car Get Arrested For Trespassing and Possession Of Dr*gs.
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Couple Found Passed Out In A Car Get Arrested For Trespassing and Possession Of Dr*gs. On December 18th, 2021. Officers were dispatched for a suspicious vehicle that was parked...
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On December 18th, 2021. Officers were dispatched for a suspicious vehicle that was parked on private property in Daytona Beach, FL. Upon approach, the officer found a male and a female asleep in the vehicle's back seat. They were later identified as Chris and Jessica both in their late 20s. After conducting a search on the vehicle. The officers found drugs and other drug paraphernalia in the car. They were both arrested for trespassing and possession. However, a month later, Chris filed a citizens complaint against one of the officers for use of force during the arrest.
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