Crazy Homeless Woman Arrested for Robbery in Hoboken, NJ – PART 1

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Crazy Homeless Woman Arrested for Robbery in Hoboken, NJ – PART 1
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Crazy Homeless Woman Arrested for Robbery in Hoboken, NJ – PART 1 Around 7:44 PM on July 27, 2022, officers with the Hoboken Police Department were dispatched to a report...
mostra másAround 7:44 PM on July 27, 2022, officers with the Hoboken Police Department were dispatched to a report of an assault and attempted robbery in Pier A Park in Hoboken. As an officer arrived on scene, he made contact with a 26-year-old woman who told him that another woman had assaulted her and attempted to steal her phone and headphones. Two other individuals, both 29-years-old, corroborated the 26-year-old woman’s account of events. Officer Palladino went to locate the suspect, and recognized her as 35-year-old Jessica Rosewall. As a homeless woman living in Hoboken, Jessica was already known to Hoboken Police.
Officer Palladino advised dispatch that she would be making contact with Jessica Rosewall and asked her what happened. Jessica seemed incoherent and her story was not corroborated by the other witness accounts. Officer Pizannie then came and placed Jessica under arrest for robbery. Officers Palladino and Pizzanie walked Jessica to the patrol car and transported her back to police HQ.
At the station, Jessica was searched in more detail. After the search was complete, she was handcuffed to the bench. Jessica was and charged robbery in violation of 2C:15-1. Since she was uncooperative and refused to be photographed or fingerprinted, Jessica was also charged with Refusal to Fingerprint in violation of 53:1-15.
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