David Koresh and The Waco Massacre

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DEEP DIVE - On this episode we talk about an event that arguably changed America forever; destroyed the perceptions of law enforcement for anyone that witnessed this event on mainstream...
mostra másOn this episode we talk about an event that arguably changed America forever; destroyed the perceptions of law enforcement for anyone that witnessed this event on mainstream media; and irredeemably erased at least some of the faith that Americans held dearly when it came to constitutionally held aspects of the US culture like freedom and security; this time we are talking about David Koresh and The Waco Massacre.
In 1993 in Waco Texas the ATF and FBI initiated a sting on a Branch Davidian compound which resulted in a fire fight and a 51 day siege which ultimately led to the deaths of the 79 members of the so-called cult and their leader David Koresh. Investigations into the ethics and execution of these government agency order went on all through the 90s at a congressional level, but these agencies never saw justice.
Koresh and his followers were killed by the US Government; this was on suspicion of child abuse, drug production and illegal arms sale and stockpiling. Many think that these charges were trumped up and that a community like this couldn't be allowed to exist in the United States.
Joining me on this episode is Tom O'Mahony of the wonderful Buckshot podcast and Emmet Quinn from the fantastic Totally Wired
You can find Tom and all his info here https://linktr.ee/Tomomahony including the tickets to the live show in Galway on 22nd August!
You can find Emmet and Totally Wired here https://www.instagram.com/totallywired2/ and new live shows will be announced very soon!
Live UK and Ireland stage shows October 2021 and January 2022
Dublin - London - Manchester - Birmingham - Newcastle - Glasgow- Liverpool
Galway 22nd August I join Tom O Mahony for the 200 episode Live Special of his Buckshot Podcast in 'The Grand Auld Stretch' in Nimmo's Pier, Galway Sunday 22nd Aug 7pm
Buy your tickets now before they are gone - click here http://www.taplink.cc/thoseconspiracyguys
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