Democracy dies, first, in the workplace: A conversation with Hamilton Nolan and Sara Nelson | Working People

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“I did not start out as a writer interested in organized labor,” Hamilton Nolan writes in The Hammer: Power, Inequality, and the Struggle for the Soul of Labor; “I started...
mostra más- Hamilton’s website, Facebook page, and X page
- Hamilton Nolan, Hachette Books, The Hammer: Power, Inequality, and the Struggle for the Soul of Labor
- Red Emma’s website, Facebook page, and Instagram
- David Dayen, In These Times, “Meet the militant flight attendant leader who threatened a strike—and helped stop Trump’s shutdown”
- Leave us a voicemail and we might play it on the show!
- Labor Radio / Podcast Network website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
- In These Times website, Facebook page, and Twitter page
- The Real News Network website, YouTube channel, podcast feeds, Facebook page, and Twitter page
- Jules Taylor, “Working People” Theme Song
Studio Production: Max Alvarez
Post-Production: Jules Taylor
Autor | The Real News Network |
Organización | The Real News Network |
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