Details About The Man Who Allegedly Kidnapped Charlotte Sena Emerge (10/3/23)

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Details About The Man Who Allegedly Kidnapped Charlotte Sena Emerge (10/3/23)
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As the dust starts to settle a little bit around the frantic search for Charllotte Sena and the arrest of a suspect, we are now learning a little bit more...
mostra másThe man who has been arrested is named Craig Ross. He is a father of three who recently moved back onto his mothers property (in a trailer in the backyard) because he has MS. Previously, we had heard that he was a registered child predator, but the police have now confirmed that is not true.
Let's dive in and get caught up!
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EXCLUSIVE: Charlotte Sena's suspected kidnapper Craig Ross suffers from multiple sclerosis and had to move to trailer on mom's property just four weeks ago when symptoms got worse | Daily Mail Online
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