Detox and Clean out using your Body's Natural Mechanisms

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Detox and Clean out using your Body's Natural Mechanisms
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Regenerative Body Work System: 2 Looking at our clean out/Purgative system. What it's supposed to do to detox and remove inflammation and why it's been subconsciously shut down causing overload...
mostra másLooking at our clean out/Purgative system. What it's supposed to do to detox and remove inflammation and why it's been subconsciously shut down causing overload inside.
Society has (subconsciously or directly) told us to hold our farts, burps, coughs, swallow mucus, not itch, not to crack our joints, hold our pee, not itch, not cry in public, not twitch, and not even be able to poop in public bathrooms. It’s judged sweaty palms and stinky feet.
Every cleansing and expelling mechanism the body has has been controlled or shamed because it is the stinky, the hot, the inappropriate and the “gross”
Over time, thousands of repetitions of holding in farts, tears or burps subconsciously trained our bodies to be constricted by unspoken (or spoken) judgements and shut down.
The toxic and inflammatory doesn’t have any other way to get out. It starts to accumulate in our tissue and slows down or shuts the regenerative capability of the body. It also causes illness of many kinds
Many western medicines shut down the ability for the body to purge- fevers brought down not allowed to sweat out and release inflammatory stuff, Anti diarrhea meds that don’t allow the natural process of self flushing to come to completion. There are important times that we can support healing with western modern medicine but it’s overuse has also created a stagnant system that cannot feel nor expel.
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Autor | Megan Youngmee |
Organización | Megan Youngmee |
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