Dom Dolla

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Dom Dolla
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Celebrating his smash "girl$" going #1, joined us on and shared how the song was born, how long ago he started working on it, and how many Vs...
mostra másHe also talked about his recent massive show at The Gorge, and why he and John Summit decided to join forces to create Everything Always! AND who his next release is with!!
We also got to know Dom better w #FinkysFavorites!
Find out about:
- his favorite thing to do when he's NOT doing shows around the world
- a favorite fan experience
- his favorite place to visit
- his favorite producer at the moment
- his favorite non-EDM song
Follow: @AmericasDance30 on all socials!
Count down the biggest dance songs in the country every week with Brian Fink on America’s Dance 30; listen on stations around the world!
Autor | Brian Fink |
Organización | Brian Fink |
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