Dr. Malone and Mr. Hyde with Peter Breggin

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The eminent Dr. Peter Breggin joined The Two Mikes today to discuss the Covid vaccines and a number of related issues. When he last joined us, Dr. Breggin had just...
mostra másWhen he last joined us, Dr. Breggin had just published his book and since then it has sold more than 120,000 copies, and has been the subject of many excellent reviews, including ones from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Peter McCullough.
Dr. Breggin said that Americans are "continuing to confront evil" on this issue, an evil that emanates from their national government, Big Pharma, medical associations, and the media, as well as from doctors who continue to play ball with those criminal entities.
--Dr. Breggin's most recent book is: Covid-19 and Global Predators: We are the Prey, which is available from Amazon, from the book's website https://wearetheprey.com, and from other booksellers.
--Dr. Breggin's website is https://breggin.com
--Dr. Breggin writes for America Outloud, and he and his wife Ginger host a broadcast on that platform
“Listening to Two Mikes will make you smarter!” - Gov Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr
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Autor | Maverick Broadcasting Network |
Organización | Maverick Broadcasting |
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