DWN E01 2021

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Hi, I'm Mary Jane and this is the Digital Weed News Podcast. Listen to the latest Cannabis news https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/feedback-fields-of-green-in-the-mother-city/ https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-02-03-battle-over-legality-of-cannabis-grow-clubs-hits-high-court-as-cops-clamp-down-on-dagga-lab/ https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/manifesto-mondays-background-history-and-context/ In this episode we introduce you to #manifestomonday a...
mostra másListen to the latest Cannabis news
In this episode we introduce you to #manifestomonday a weekly summary of the final edit of the Full Spectrum Manifesto for Cannabis regulation in South Africa, from Suresh Patel
We also talk trimming and feel out what our cannabis culture looks like,
I joined the Green Network and I felt like a country mouse in the big city, all big ideas and no knowledge. (IN THE SOUND CLIP IT SOUNDS LIKE I MEAN THE GREEN NETWORK IS HAS NO KNOWLEDGE OR CONFIDENCE - I MEANT I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OR CONFIDENCE!!)
and we hope to get Field of Green for All's endorsement to do verified content segments in future episodes!!
Get your favourite gear from The High Co, I prefer raw papers - I hate the smell of bong water and clumsy me spills all the time so, it's a well rolled baseball bats or a glass pipe for me!!
Follow this link for all the gear you need for your sesh https://thehighco.co.za?ref=4251
Also, if you enjoyed this on your drive then like our Facebook page, this is only going to get better! https://web.facebook.com/Digital-Weed-News-1522636741381885 AND SHARE
Don't forget to download your Manifesto from Fields of Green fo All https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/regulations/
Read more, and more and more here https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/blog/
and join the GREEN NETWORK HERE https://fieldsofgreenforall.org.za/sa-affiliates
Autor | Viv Brown |
Organización | Viv Brown |
Página web | - |
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