Elementary Teacher Explains WHY Kids Memorize Faster than Adults

17 de ene. de 2025 · 19m 6s
Elementary Teacher Explains WHY Kids Memorize Faster than Adults

In elementary education, the use of "TPR" completely transforms how a child learns information and is one of the reasons why they can so easily soak up Bible verses. Listen...

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In elementary education, the use of "TPR" completely transforms how a child learns information and is one of the reasons why they can so easily soak up Bible verses. Listen as Sandy Hinkle from Bible Fox Learning explains her methodology and what we can take away as adults trying to memorize Scripture. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

✅ Visit Bible Fox Learning for resources on scripture memorization using TPR

✅ Bible Fox Learning YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@biblefoxlearning9597

✅ Download the 52 Verses sheet: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52verses

✅ Listen to the new Memory Moment podcast: https://www.biblememorygoal.com/52podcast

✅ Join our Bible memory community! https://www.biblememorygoal.com/join


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Autor Josh
Organización Josh
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