
Elevator Escape: Friendship & Fear

14 de feb. de 2024 · 14m 37s
Elevator Escape: Friendship & Fear

01 · Main Story

1m 41s

02 · Vocabulary Words

10m 42s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Elevator Escape: Friendship & Fear Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva so Ana, Luka in Eva...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Elevator Escape: Friendship & Fear
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Nekega sončnega popoldneva so Ana, Luka in Eva odločeni preživeti dan v Ljubljani.
En: One sunny afternoon, Ana, Luka, and Eva decided to spend the day in Ljubljana.

Sl: Ana in Luka, ki sta najboljša prijatelja, ter Eva, Lukova mlajša sestra, so se odpravili na ogled znamenite Ljubljanskega gradu.
En: Ana and Luka, who were best friends, along with Eva, Lukas younger sister, set off to visit the famous Ljubljana Castle.

Sl: Ana, vedno radovedna in polna energije, je Luku veselo razlagala o zgodovini gradu, medtem ko sta brala zloženko.
En: Ana, always curious and full of energy, enthusiastically explained the castle's history to Luka as they read a pamphlet.

Sl: Eva, ki jo je bolj zanimala narava, je opazovala drevesa in ptice, ki so žvrgolele okrog mogočnih gradbenih zidov.
En: Eva, who was more interested in nature, observed the trees and birds chirping around the mighty castle walls.

Sl: Ko so prispeli na vznožje gradu, so se odločili za vzpon z vzpenjačo.
En: When they arrived at the foot of the castle, they decided to take the funicular to go up.

Sl: Vstopili so v majhen, a ličen dvigalo.
En: They entered a small, but neat elevator.

Sl: Bilo je zelo staro in nosilo je pridih preteklosti.
En: It was very old and had a touch of the past.

Sl: Komaj so se vrata dvigala zaprla, ko je nenadoma zastal.
En: The elevator suddenly stalled just as the doors closed.

Sl: Luči so utripale in Ana je zaskrbljeno pogledovala Luka.
En: The lights flickered, and Ana anxiously looked at Luka.

Sl: "Mislim, da smo obtičali," je povedala s tresočim glasom.
En: "I think we're stuck," she said with a trembling voice.

Sl: Luka, ki se je bal zaprtih prostorov, se je počutil nelagodno in nazadnje dal na priznanje, "Res ne maram biti zaprt v majhnih prostorih.
En: Luka, who was afraid of confined spaces, felt uncomfortable and finally admitted, "I really don't like being trapped in small spaces."

Sl: "Eva je poskušala ostati mirna in tolažila brata rekoč, "Vse bo v redu, Luka.
En: Eva tried to remain calm and comfort her brother, saying, "It's going to be okay, Luka.

Sl: Samo sedi in počakaj.
En: Just sit and wait.

Sl: Kmalu nas bodo rešili.
En: We'll be rescued soon."

Sl: "Ana je uspela pritisniti alarmni gumb.
En: Ana managed to press the emergency button.

Sl: So zaslišali zvok zvonenja.
En: They heard the sound of ringing.

Sl: Ana, Luka in Eva so čakali.
En: Ana, Luka, and Eva waited.

Sl: Minilo je nekaj minut, ki so se zdele kot večnost, ko so nenadoma zaslišali glasove zunaj.
En: Several minutes, which felt like eternity, passed when they suddenly heard voices outside.

Sl: Reševalci so jih hitro opazili in jim zagotovili, da bodo kmalu svobodni.
En: The rescuers quickly spotted them and assured them that they would soon be free.

Sl: Z ročnimi orodji so se trudili odpreti vrata dvigala in po kratkem času jim je uspelo.
En: They worked to open the elevator doors with hand tools, and after a short time, they succeeded.

Sl: Ana, Luka in Eva so stopili iz dvigala, se zahvalili reševalcem in si oddahnili.
En: Ana, Luka, and Eva stepped out of the elevator, thanked the rescuers, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sl: Lukove napete mišice so se končno sprostile.
En: Luka's tense muscles finally relaxed.

Sl: "Evo, to pa je bila dogodivščina!
En: "Wow, Eva, that was quite an adventure!"

Sl: " je rekla Ana s širokim nasmehom.
En: Ana said with a wide smile.

Sl: Eva se je smejala in odvrnila, "Zdaj imamo pa resnično zgodbo, ki jo lahko povemo!
En: Eva laughed and replied, "Now we really have a story to tell!"

Sl: "Odločili so se, da preostanek dneva preživijo v mestu, brez dvigal.
En: They decided to spend the rest of the day in the city, without using any elevators.

Sl: Kupili so sladoled in se sprehodili ob reki Ljubljanici.
En: They bought ice cream and took a stroll along the Ljubljanica River.

Sl: Dan so zaključili z mislijo, da je pravo prijateljstvo tisto, ki ostane močno, tudi ko se znajde v dvigalu, ki obstane.
En: They ended the day with the thought that true friendship remains strong even when stuck in a stalled elevator.

Vocabulary Words:
  • afternoon: popoldne
  • decided: odločeni
  • spend: preživeti
  • day: dan
  • castle: grad
  • best friends: najboljša prijatelja
  • visit: ogled
  • famous: znameniti
  • curious: radovedna
  • enthusiastically: veselo
  • explained: razlagala
  • history: zgodovini
  • read: brala
  • pamphlet: zloženko
  • interested: zanimanje
  • nature: narava
  • observed: opazovala
  • trees: drevesa
  • birds: ptice
  • chirping: žvrgolele
  • mighty: mogočnih
  • walls: gradbenih zidov
  • arrived: prispeli
  • foot: vznožje
  • decided: odločili
  • take: vzpon
  • elevator: dvigalo
  • neat: ličen
  • old: staro
  • touch: pridih
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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