
Embracing the Storm: A Heartfelt Reunion at the Cliffs

4 de dic. de 2024 · 16m 45s
Embracing the Storm: A Heartfelt Reunion at the Cliffs

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 43s


Fluent Fiction - Irish: Embracing the Storm: A Heartfelt Reunion at the Cliffs Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Ga: Bhí gaoth fhiáin ag...

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Fluent Fiction - Irish: Embracing the Storm: A Heartfelt Reunion at the Cliffs
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Story Transcript:

Ga: Bhí gaoth fhiáin ag séideadh thar Aillte an Mhothair.
En: A wild wind was blowing over the Aillte an Mhothair (Cliffs of Moher).

Ga: Bhí Saoirse, Eamon agus Cillian ag seasamh ar imeall an aill, iad níos cóngaraí don spéir ná riamh.
En: Saoirse, Eamon, and Cillian stood at the edge of the cliff, closer to the sky than ever.

Ga: Bhí an fharraige fúthu dorcha agus d'fhiáin, cosúil leis na mothúcháin a bhí ag dul thar fóir ina gcroíthe.
En: The sea below them was dark and wild, much like the emotions overflowing in their hearts.

Ga: Bhí sé fuar, an gheimhreadh ag brú isteach orthu go tréan.
En: It was cold, with the winter pressing down on them heavily.

Ga: Bhí lámha Saoirse ag crith, ach níorbh é an fhuacht é amháin.
En: Saoirse's hands were shaking, but not just from the cold.

Ga: Bhí an urnaí bheag á n-iompar aici, luaith an mháthair laistigh di.
En: She was carrying a small urn, containing their mother's ashes.

Ga: D’fhéach sí ar a deartháireacha le cumha agus grástúlacht ina súile, an tobar domhain de mheoin agus de mhíshuaimhneas á thochailt ina croí.
En: She looked at her brothers with longing and grace in her eyes, a deep well of emotion and unease being stirred in her heart.

Ga: “Caithfimid é seo a dhéanamh le chéile,” a dúirt Saoirse go ciúin, a glór gutha ardaithe in aghaidh an ghaoith.
En: “We must do this together,” Saoirse said quietly, her voice rising against the wind.

Ga: Bhí guth fuar Eamon ag teacht ina dhiaidh, “Tá brón orm. Tá a fhios agam gur fhág mé thú.”
En: Eamon's cold voice followed, “I'm sorry. I know I left you.”

Ga: Bhí sé cosúil le bualadh gaoithe eile.
En: It felt like another gust of wind.

Ga: Bhuail sé ar Saoirse. D’fhág míchompord sa chaoi inar chorraigh a chorp í, i gcomhthráth leis an drochaimsir.
En: It hit Saoirse, leaving discomfort in the way her body shifted in sync with the bad weather.

Ga: Ach bhí sí ag iarraidh teacht ar chaoi ina tír féin istigh.
En: But she was trying to find her ground within herself.

Ga: “Tá,” a dúirt Saoirse go faoisimh. “Ach táimid anseo anois.”
En: “Yes,” Saoirse said with relief. “But we are here now.”

Ga: Chonaic sí brón sna súile Eamon, an duine a d’imigh ar son saol eile, ach a d’fhill ar ais ar leac an tí.
En: She saw sorrow in Eamon's eyes, the one who had left for another life but returned to the doorstep.

Ga: D'oscail méid bog an chaidrimh idir í agus a deartháir smután beag sa spiorad.
En: The gentle opening of a relationship between her and her brother created a small comfort in her spirit.

Ga: Bhí Cillian ina thost le fada, mar a bhí sé go minic, ach d’fhéach sé orthu, macalla a shaol féin ag dul i Lár na dTrí.
En: Cillian had been silent for a long time, as he often was, but he looked at them, an echo of his own life running in the Lár na dTrí (Middle of Three).

Ga: “Is minic a mhothaigh mé nach raibh mé ann,” a dúirt sé gan obair ar an reláon.
En: “I often felt like I wasn't there,” he said without working on the rhythm.

Ga: D’amharc Saoirse agus Eamon air.
En: Saoirse and Eamon looked at him.

Ga: “Cillian, tá cúram orm asat,” a dúirt Saoirse, a síoraíochta donn ag glioscarnach le brí.
En: “Cillian, I care about you,” Saoirse said, her eternal brown eyes sparkling with meaning.

Ga: Bhuail an stoirm níos measa orthu, raindrops ag titim cosúil le cuimhní cinn duairce.
En: The storm worsened upon them, raindrops falling like somber memories.

Ga: An nóiméad seo, na brat uirthi, bhí sí ag druidim níos cóngaraí lena deartháireacha.
En: In that moment, cloaked by the rain, she was drawing closer to her brothers.

Ga: Thóg sí a lámh isteach agus d’oscail sí an urnaí ag éadaoin.
En: She took her hand in and opened the urn tenderly.

Ga: Scaoileadh luaithéir a máthar amach faoin gcéin, scaipeadh san aer saor a rinneadh saor.
En: Their mother's ashes were released into the air, scattered freely in the wide open.

Ga: Bhí cuireachán ag dul trí chroíthe gach duine acu.
En: A gentle warmth coursed through all their hearts.

Ga: Bhí an taise á sárú ag sreangán de chaidreamh croíúil.
En: The dampness was overcome by a string of heartfelt connection.

Ga: Níor labhair na focail ach chualathas ina gcroíthe iad – ní gá a bheith foirfe, ní gá a bheith an-foirfe.
En: The words were unspoken but heard in their hearts – it doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be very perfect.

Ga: Sheasadar ansin.
En: They stood there.

Ga: Bhí Saoirse, Eamon agus Cillian cluthar in aice a chéile, an stoirm éasca mar póg grámhar ó mháthair ar an spéir.
En: Saoirse, Eamon, and Cillian snug together, the storm gentle like a loving kiss from a mother in the sky.

Ga: Bhí soiléir, déanach cultúir blásta sa chuimsíocht, ag dul sa loinnir faoin mbáisteach.
En: A late, bright culture seemed to glow in the encompassing rain.

Ga: Bhraith Cillian sa bhaile i gciorcal a raibh i bhfad uait.
En: Cillian felt at home in a circle that stretched far.

Ga: Tháinig méadú ar an torann, gatha della ag seasamh gceann eile, ach an t-am seo, bhí siad níos láidir.
En: The noise increased, rays of light standing against one another, but this time, they were stronger.

Ga: Tógadh Saoirse a bhaol le chéile mar ionad geal taithí, Eamon sa bhfuascailt mar athfhuarthach, agus Cillian a tháinig isteach agus sásta a bheith ann.
En: Saoirse gathered her courage together as a bright point of experience, Eamon in redemption as a reconciler, and Cillian who entered and was happy to be there.

Ga: Ar thaobh chladaigh majesttha na hÉireann, bhí siad aontaithe – i ngrá, i ngloine an chaidrimh, agus go háirithe, sa mheas ar a máthair a raibh cairdeas órga acu.
En: On the majestic Irish coast, they were united – in love, in the transparency of the relationship, and especially, in the respect for their mother with whom they had a golden friendship.

Ga: Agus é sin a bhaint amach, i measc an stoirm, suite le Cruth nathnaithe.
En: And having realized that, amidst the storm, they stood with a newfound form.

Vocabulary Words:
  • wild: fhiáin
  • cliff: aill
  • bereavement: cumha
  • grace: grástúlacht
  • ash: luaith
  • heart: croí
  • tenderly: éadaoin
  • urn: urnaí
  • overcome: sárú
  • emotions: mothúcháin
  • unease: míshuaimhneas
  • sorrow: brón
  • redeemer: athfhuarthach
  • transparent: gloine
  • majestic: majesttha
  • consolation: faosamh
  • scatter: scaipeadh
  • gust: bualadh
  • silence: tost
  • relationship: caidrimh
  • comfort: cluthar
  • echo: macalla
  • reconciliation: fuascailt
  • solace: smután
  • storm: stoirm
  • raindrops: raindrops
  • heartfelt: cuireachán
  • light: gatha
  • reconciliation: athfhuarthach
  • bloom: blásta
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Organización Kameron Kilchrist
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