Ep 003 - Best Comics of January 2021

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This episode, we'll be taking a look back at comics released in January of 2021. We’ll be looking at the most notable releases, the best, and the rest. 00:00 Introduction...
mostra másWe’ll be looking at the most notable releases, the best, and the rest.
00:00 Introduction
00:40 King in Black (Marvel event)
00:40 King in Black: Black Cat
05:37 Future State (DC event)
10:08 Future State: Harley Quinn
14:57 Side note on Future State and King in Black
15:54 A Man Among Ye
17:04 Big Girls
19:02 DCeased: Dead Planet
21:27 We Live
22:12 Best of the Rest: Fishkill, Home Sick Pilots, Eternals, Star Wars - The High Republic, Inkblot, and Umbrella Academy: You Look Like Death
26:18 Worst Three of January: Generations Shattered, Lonely Receiver, and Scumbag
28:36 End
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