Ep. 105 Just World Hypothesis | Does ONLY Good things happen to Good people?

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Does ONLY Good things happen to Good people? Just world Hypothesis : The just world hypothesis is a belief that many people hold, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is the...
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The just world hypothesis is a belief that many people hold, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is the belief that justice is served and that everyone receives what is due to them. Given that it suggests that good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people, this view can be consoling.
However, the truth is far more complex. The world isn't always fair, in actuality. Good people can experience horrible things, and bad people can experience good things. Unpredictability and randomness abound in life, and terrible things can occur for no apparent reason at all. Believing in the just world hypothesis can lead to victim blaming, as people may assume that those who are suffering must have done something to deserve it. This can be harmful and perpetuate injustice. It's important to recognize that the world is not always fair, and to have empathy for those who are struggling.
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