Ep 107 - Rob & Matthew's Excellent Time Travel Adventure

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Rob & Matthew’s excellent time travel episode! After months of ranting about the logical and ethical problems with time travel, Matthew invited OG Time Lord Rob McKenzie to explain it...
mostra másAfter months of ranting about the logical and ethical problems with time travel, Matthew invited OG Time Lord Rob McKenzie to explain it all. We look at different theories of time travel, and which movies and tv shows make the most sense. We look at moral questions such as human agency vs. a predetermined time line, who gets to decide what the timeline ‘should’ be, what is the responsibility of someone who can go back in time to make things ‘right,’ and will Matthew ever find a time travel story that doesn’t drive him up the damn wall.
Particular focus on Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever, Umbrella Academy, and Bill & Ted.
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This podcast is proud to be a member of the Stranded Panda Podcast Network. Check it out to find a number of other great geek properties, including others co-hosted by Matthew.
With Matthew
The Orville Universe Podcast
Superhero Ethics Podcast
Bingers Assemble
And some of the other great Stranded Panda podcasts include:
Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast
DC on Screen
Star Trek Universe Podcast
Who Watched the Watchmen
Lastly, you probably heard some great music at the start and the end of our podcast. That music comes from the deeply talented Jack Hesse.. You can follow him on Twitter at Jack_608, https://twitter.com/jack_608
Autor | Andy Nelson |
Organización | TruStory FM |
Página web | - |
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