Ep. 112 Why You Can't Please them – And Why You Shouldn't Try

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Why You Can't Please them – And Why You Shouldn't Try Today, we're diving deep into something we all struggle with: the desire to please everyone around us. It sounds...
mostra másToday, we're diving deep into something we all struggle with: the desire to please everyone around us. It sounds like a noble goal, right? After all, we want to be liked, appreciated, and accepted. We want to be seen as competent, likable, and successful. And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to be appreciated. But here’s the kicker: Some people will dislike you simply because you don’t dislike yourself.It’s a hard truth, but the reality is that some people will never be happy with who you are, no matter how much you change, adapt, or cater to their expectations.
know 'Why' in this Episode.
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