Ep 133 - Uncut Gems

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Paul and Ste love Uncut Gems and you do too. ALSO - keen on the 'ween! Capitalismball starring Mbappé! Swear down! Sandler soft voice! Kicking leaves! Croydon FC jerk chicken!...
mostra másALSO - keen on the 'ween! Capitalismball starring Mbappé! Swear down! Sandler soft voice! Kicking leaves! Croydon FC jerk chicken! Adel aaahnazeem! Stank! Folding arms and turning to camera!
Please please please rate us on spotify and give us 5 stars yeah. It helps us live on the Internet, or something.
@makeamoveukcan is pod on twitter and instagram
@pauledwardbrammer and @ste_greaves is where we does it on instagram also
NEXT EP - we start the October spookarama with Kill List, a very very upsetting and disturbing movie
Autor | PB and SG |
Organización | Paul Brammer |
Página web | - |
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