Ep. 21 - The Stalker

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Finally after a few technical difficulties these past couple of days we're able to release our latest episode of #StalkingaCrime Stalking is not only a serious crime but a potentially...
mostra másStalking is not only a serious crime but a potentially murderous one inflicted on a subject of obsession. So how far would you say a serial stalker of multiple subjects would go?
8 victims came forward officially to face their tormentor, a couple more too afraid (understandably so) but only 4 vindicated... or are they? A 10 year long campaign of harassment, cyber stalking & cyberbullying... a 5.5 year sentence with one promise "I will be back"
*online sources: BBC News online; Guardian; Daily Mail UK; Mirror UK; Wiki
Autor | Pretty Criminal |
Organización | Christel Barkley |
Página web | - |
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