EP 281 - ABF, Home Gyms. Sustainable Training, KB Front Squats, Time-Based Workouts & More

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00:00 - Intro 00:46 - What to Do After Armor Building Formula 04:21 - Buying A Cable Station For My Home Gym? Is It Worth It? 08:04 - Dan John...
mostra más00:46 - What to Do After Armor Building Formula
04:21 - Buying A Cable Station For My Home Gym? Is It Worth It?
08:04 - Dan John on Time-Based Workouts
15:30 - Barbell vs Kettlebell Front Squats
20:08 - Dan John on Coffees
25:10 - Training In A Sustainable Way
► Personalized workouts based on your schedule, ability, and equipment options. http://www.DanJohnUniversity.com.
► If you're interested in getting coached by Dan personally, go to http://DanJohnInnerCircle.com to apply for his private coaching group.
► Go to ArmorBuildingFormula.com to get Dan's latest book.
Autor | Dan John |
Organización | Dan John |
Página web | - |
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