Ep 36: Poetry as Mirror, as Reflector of Light with Barbara Jane Reyes

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People tend to come to poetry when they're at their lowest points, but it’s possible for poetry to become more than that. // Poetry is always a perfect place to...
mostra másIn considering Barbara Jane’s new poetry collection, how do we frame our experiences as active resistance? How can poetry mirror what is happening so that we can find another way to witness it? // Consider the roles of our elders and our ancestors and our relationships with them when thinking about how we are being in the world. // We also talk a bit about superstitions, ghosts, and our ancestral inheritance. // Today's poems: “Unanimous” by Hafiz , "Acquainted with lightning" by Marjorie Evasco
Autor | Leslieann Hobayan |
Organización | Leslieann Hobayan |
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