Ep 38 - Red Alert: #China: Pt1: The CCP Threat to Taiwan and Hong Kong

9 de jul. de 2021 · 47m 31s
Ep 38 - Red Alert: #China: Pt1: The CCP Threat to Taiwan and Hong Kong

Welcome to Part 1 in our new series on the threat Communist China's CCP poses to its neighbors and the rest of the world, presented by the Herb London Center...

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Welcome to Part 1 in our new series on the threat Communist China's CCP poses to its neighbors and the rest of the world, presented by the Herb London Center for Policy Research. We will be looking into China's recent actions, ambitions, tactics, history and how it all affects President Xi and the CCP's game plan for world domination.

In our first installment, our panelists discuss President Xi and the CCP's aggressions and agenda toward Taiwan (which Bejing still believes to be part of the mainland) and Hong Kong.

The CCP has long claimed Taiwan to be a non-independent piece of China while also taking a heavy-handed approach to Hong Kong's citizens who dared stand up to the dictatorial regime. Our panelists, LCPR President LTC (Ret) Tony Shaffer, LCPR Distinguished Fellow Navy Capt (Ret) Pete O'Brien and Claidia Rosett, Women's Forum Foreign Policy Fellow/Hudson Institute Fellow discuss Xi's plans to "reunite" Taiwan with the mainland, the dangers the party poses to Hong Kong and Taiwan, the cruelty of Bejing's methods toward such goals and how US and other leadership must better contain China's leadership on the world stage.

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Thought to Action is presented by the London Center for Policy Research https://www.londoncenter.org​
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Autor London Ctr for Policy Research
Organización London Ctr for Policy Research
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