Ep. 59 (1/16/25): How Green Bay's Coex 3D is bolstering additive manufacturing in the New North

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Todd Louthain, owner of Coex 3D in Green Bay, joins Kate and Ann on this week's episode of the podcast, which ties in with the January 2025 IOM cover story...
mostra másLouthain is more than a manufacturer, however. Coex 3D prides itself on providing additive manufacturing services and consultations to Wisconsin companies, including manufacturers like Wisconsin Lighting Lab in our New North region, which is also featured in the January cover story.
Read "Addition by Addition" online: addi+ion by addi+ion | Cover Story | insightonbusiness.com
Thank you to Werner Electric Supply for sponsoring this week's episode!
Autor | Insight on Manufacturing |
Organización | Kate Bruns |
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