Ep 6: Student Activism for Gun Control

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I remember how dramatic a shift there was after the 2018 March For Our Lives - since then, U.S. has seen a huge tide of student activists ready to take...
mostra másTo take you into the lives of people for whom gun control is a year-round issue, I interviews three student activists about their work and perspectives on the problem:
-Lydia Levy discusses the importance of student marches for political change and staying informed.
-Isabelle Scholes-Young clears up some misconceptions about the gun control movement and talks about using student marches as a first step for activism.
-Anand Chitnis detailing the many ways that students can create political change and talks about his predictions for the future of the movement.
Afterwards, I go over some gun control history, past acts of student activism (e.g. HARVARD BUTTER REBELLION 1766 - WILD), and the general sides of the gun control debate.
I know that it's difficult to stay on an issue 365 days a year, but real change requires persistent action. Sometimes I wonder, when I look back on my time spent in these days, will I be content with the effort I made for these issues? Maybe. Will you?
Hope you learn something new from this episode and take time later to research things that are important to you :)
Great portals to get involved:
-Moco for Change: https://www.mocoforchange.org/
-March for Our Lives: https://marchforourlives.com/
-Website to plug in zip code and get info about your representative and the issues they stand on: https://5calls.org/
Fact compilation used (sources at end): https://docs.google.com/document/d/10DEQVbxr061VXM6omlmy_yRRvUgPlI30I_hLeQSCJPY/edit?usp=sharing
Subtle Break by Ghostrifter Official | https://soundcloud.com/ghostrifter-official
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Autor | Kaylen Pak |
Organización | Kaylen Pak |
Página web | - |
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