EP 63: Broken to Barrier Breaker

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EP 63: Broken to Barrier Breaker
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Denise Schroder is talking with us this week, Broken to Barrier Breaker. Denise is a coach, speaker, marketing strategist, realtor and author of the new book, “Out of the Box.”...
mostra másDenise’s journey from broken to barrier breaker encompasses every aspect of her life. The negative words spoken into her, while temporarily debilitating, eventually became the fuel to take her goals from being dreams to being reality. After many trials and failures, Denise married her FedEx guy, Troy, and blended five teenagers. She and Troy both quit their jobs on the same day to become self-employed and chase the American dream. Together they used unique storytelling that freezes the scroll on social media to build a brand and successfully stand out in the real estate industry.
Denise spills the tea on her creatively innovative, unique, relentless avenues to stepping outside your comfort zone. She shares and spares no details of how some of her Out of the Box marketing approaches have helped her company exponentially grow.
Fifty Shades of Bullshit is broadcast live Thursdays at 4PM PT.
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