EP: 64 Irreplicable: The Case for Bitcoin & Blockchain

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With Ashton Addison CEO of Eventchain and "The Crypto Coin Show" 6:15 What is needed for adoption? 12:35 Will bitcoin be reigning cryptocurrency? 15:35 Countries and companies already adopting digital...
mostra más6:15 What is needed for adoption?
12:35 Will bitcoin be reigning cryptocurrency?
15:35 Countries and companies already adopting digital currency
19:35 What is the link between Bitcoin and Geo-political and economic instability?
24:15 The state of the workforce & the importance of freelancing & adaptability
28:35 Insights into Eventchain and the problems of the ticketing and tracking industries
* The thoughts of Cryptocurrency Investing and it's affiliates are not financial, legal, personal or trading advice. Cryptocurrency Investing is an educational platform. Investment decisions should not be made based on the content provided.
Autor | Jeff Kirdeikis |
Organización | Jeff Kirdeikis |
Página web | - |
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