EP 70 Dumb Bitch Academy

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EP 70 Dumb Bitch Academy
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If you have trouble with not peeing your pants while laughing your ass off, then you better wear your adult diapers, because today’s episode is going to be one wild...
mostra másHe is currently working on a self-help book filled with practical solutions to complex problems utilizing the wisdom of his ancestors along with modern research in many fields. Though he would rather “fuck off into the woods” but feels a sense of responsibility to share what he knows, so he has chosen the path of the healer like his ancestors. Bryan says, “I observe the practices of my indigenous blood and have learned much through them. Since I’m stuck with you fuckers I guess I might as well help you find your way in this pile of trash.”
Fifty Shades of Bullshit is broadcast live Thursdays at 4PM PT.
Fifty Shades of Bullshit is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com).
Fifty Shades of Bullshit is broadcast on K4HD Radio – Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com) part of Talk 4 Radio (www.talk4radio.com) on the Talk 4 Media Network (www.talk4media.com).
Fifty Shades of Bullshit is also available on Talk 4 Podcasting (www.talk4podcasting.com), iHeartRadio, Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, Audible, and over 100 other podcast outlets.
Autor | Talk 4 Podcasting |
Organización | Talk 4 Podcasting |
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