EP 78 The Art of Resilience

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EP 78 The Art of Resilience
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The art of resilience is going from heart break to finding and growing through resilience. Today our special guest Karina Gil, Ph.D., MSW, is the Worden School of Social Service...
mostra másDr. Gil is passionate about issues related to women and Latinos' access to positions of power and leadership and issues related to race and ethnicity and decolonizing practices. Additionally, Dr. Gil uses her own life experiences to learn more and help others overcome issues such as heartbreak. She recently experienced the end of significant relationships and used her resilience and expertise to overcome them. In this light, she is currently working on conducting a study of Latina professionals who have experienced the end of a relationship to learn the cultural and personal aspects that have helped them become resilient and move on. Dr. Gil has shared her own experience in the podcast Ex-Philes.
Fifty Shades of Bullshit is broadcast live Thursdays at 4PM PT.
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Organización | Talk 4 Podcasting |
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