Ep. 90 - Patriotic Songs' History

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For 4th of July, I flashback the historical backgrounds of 7 American patriotic songs. Theme Song: "Dance Track", composed by Jessica Ann Catena Songs Mentioned: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5x25E3J68knu4aTuxvVVKg?si=76ac585fce5e408d “The Star Spangled Banner”...
mostra másTheme Song: "Dance Track", composed by Jessica Ann Catena
Songs Mentioned: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5x25E3J68knu4aTuxvVVKg?si=76ac585fce5e408d
“The Star Spangled Banner” (1812)
“You’re a Grand Old Flag” (1904)
“Hail to the Chief” (1812/1829)
“America, the Beautiful” (1913)
“America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee)” (1831)
“God Bless America” (1938)
“This Land Is Your Land” (1944)
Autor | Jessica Ann Catena |
Organización | Jessica Ann Catena |
Página web | - |
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