Episode 031 - Raw Diet 101

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Episode 31 June 20, 2018 Today's episode is all about diet! I have recently been feeding Henry Instinct raw boost kibble + freeze dried raw and I share my experiences...
mostra másToday's episode is all about diet! I have recently been feeding Henry Instinct raw boost kibble + freeze dried raw and I share my experiences with the new food as well as talking about an old favorite! I also dive into the 10 Raw Food basics to get you started on your raw food journey. I'd love to hear what you are feeding your pup and whats working for you so please share with me on IG tag @gspandme or #gspandme in your summer fun photos! Or post to our Facebook page! If you are interested in a Chicago GSP meet up in July DM or PM me :)
Find out whats been going on and some of our future plans for the podcast this summer, new podcasts will be live each Wednesday at 5pm (central) but if you need some extra GSP and Me time follow along with us on social media! We're excited to be back at it! Xo
I hope you all enjoy and SUBSCRIBE to my podcast which will go live every Wednesday 5PM (central) perfect way to end the day on a fun note!
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Autor | Madeline Schmidt |
Organización | Madeline Schmidt |
Página web | - |
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