Episode 15: The Only Reason to Believe (June 17, 2019)

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The only reason to believe in anything is because it's true. If it's not true, why believe? Dr. Peter Kreeft's books: "Forty Reasons I Am a Catholic" and "Because God...
mostra másSaint Josemaria: "To begin is for everyone. To persevere is for saints." Seeking truth takes time and effort... persevere until the very end! Change is always difficult, but if we persevere in changing ourselves - in converting, in turning ourselves always towards God and closer to Him, that's when we can most effectively help others to draw closer to God. NOT by attempting to change them but by continuing to change ourselves, those things about us that need to be changed. That's how we become the magnet for others, that's how we bring God's Light to others: by being full of His Light ourselves. If you want to help your children, your spouse, your parents and siblings, your neighbors and friends, then everyday strive to be a better person, a more virtuous person.
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