Episode 150: Winter Shenanigans 2023!

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Episode 150: Winter Shenanigans 2023!
Esta transcripción es generada automáticamente. Ten en cuenta que no se garantiza una precisión absoluta.
This week, Steve & JD talk a bunch of random nonsense including favorite Xmas movies, Batman, among many other things, & play tunes from Trash Knife, For Closure, & The...
mostra másMusic Links:
Trash Knife - https://trashknife.bandcamp.com/
For Closure - https://forclosurela.bandcamp.com/
The Young Rochelles - https://theyoungrochelles.bandcamp.com/
RRR Picks:
Star Wars: Ronin - https://bit.ly/479T09c
Batman: The Knight - https://bit.ly/486fKbt
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Autor | Rebel Rock Radio |
Organización | ATR Productions |
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