
Episode 18: Williams County (Andrew F. Tyler)

7 de jul. de 2022 · 17m 14s
Episode 18: Williams County (Andrew F. Tyler)

Welcome to episode 18 of Ohio 88 where I, your host, Heather Wright, will discuss one of the most notorious individuals from Williams County, Ohio. For this episode, we will...

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Welcome to episode 18 of Ohio 88 where I, your host, Heather Wright, will discuss one of the most notorious individuals from Williams County, Ohio. For this episode, we will be discussing fortune-teller Andrew F Tyler.

As a quick summary; Andrew F. Tyler so notorious is the fact that he committed/aided in the commission of the county's FIRST murder and was executed in the county's ONLY recorded hanging in 1849, according to The Bryan Times.


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Our music was created by Nico of We Talk of Dreams

*All sources for this episode will be on the website soon.
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Autor Heather Wright
Organización Heather Wright
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