Episode 2--Jax and Dulce speak on their conception journey

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This week I sat down with my friends, Jax and Dulce to hear about their conception journey. Jax was the gestational carrier for their 15 month old son. Glossary of...
mostra másGlossary of terms:
OPK: Ovulation Predictor Kit, a test that looks for luteinizing hormone (LH), the hormone that predicts ovulation
Surge: The time of your cycle where you LH levels are rising, indiciating that ovulation is coming soon.
Peak: The time of your cycle where your LH levels are at their highest, indicating that ovulation is going to occur in 24-36 hours.
PPD/PPA: Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Anxiety: two mood disorders that can follow childbirth
BT/BBT: Basal body temperature, the lowest temperature your body reaches during periods of rest.
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