
Episode 21: Logan County (Scott Moody)

31 de mar. de 2023 · 34m 10s
Episode 21: Logan County (Scott Moody)

Welcome to episode 21 of Ohio 88 where I, your host, Heather Wright, will discuss one of the most notorious individuals from Logan County, Ohio. For this episode, we will...

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Welcome to episode 21 of Ohio 88 where I, your host, Heather Wright, will discuss one of the most notorious individuals from Logan County, Ohio. For this episode, we will be discussing Scott Moody. It was a Sunday morning, May 29, 2005 when 18-year-old Scott Moody is said to have “lost it” and shot 6 people; killing 5, gravely injuring another, and then killing himself. According to the Columbus Dispatch, investigators never disclosed a motive for the massacre, although rumors had swirled in the small rural town of Bellfefontaine, Ohio. One of which involved him not wanting to have the responsibility of the family farm now that he was graduating high school.

But is that what happened? Is Scott the real shooter? What motive could he have had? From 2005 until about 2018; that was the story. That is exactly what everyone thought happened on that Spring day. But information that has been released since has coincided with details that the lone survivor of that attack, Scott’s 15-year-old sister, mentioned immediately after the shooting…from her hospital bed.

Please keep your mind open whilst listening to this episode. It will be a tad different than previous episodes on the show and perhaps will offer you new insight into this case as well as a different perspective. Perhaps Scott Moody isn’t the most notorious individual from Logan County, Ohio. But this story is just as, if not more important, than other subjects on the show - especially if he is in fact innocent of this atrocity, yet most believe he is the one who committed such a heinous act to his own family and close friend.

Special thanks to Staci for joining me on the Logan County Patreon episode!
Special thanks to Courtney from the Cult of Domesticity Podcast for her assistance and research in this episode!
Support the show by joining Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ohio88
Check out our new website - www.ohio88podcast.com
Our music was created by Nico of We Talk of Dreams
*All sources for this episode will be on the website soon.
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Autor Heather Wright
Organización Heather Wright
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