Episode 24 Child Support

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Episode 24 Child Support
Esta transcripción es generada automáticamente. Ten en cuenta que no se garantiza una precisión absoluta.
Welcome back Putos! Today's Spanish words of the day are a mouthful to say. In this week's episode, we discuss a story we heard on 105.1 The Bounce, a Detroit...
mostra másIn this week's episode, we discuss a story we heard on 105.1 The Bounce, a Detroit radio station, about this guy who has 7 different kids from 7 different baby mamas, but catch this, he doesn't pay child support. But there's another catch you'll have to watch to find out!
In addition, we are drinking SunnyD Seltzers for this episode. What are your thoughts? Is he in the wrong, in the right? Let us know through our socials down below!
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Please drink responsibly.
Autor | Woodward Sports Network |
Organización | Woodward Sports Network |
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