EPISODE 294 : A Nod to Nod32

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In this Weeks TechtalkRadio Show, Andy Taylor, Shawn DeWeerd, Justin Lemme and Broadway and Amanda the crew is all together after Shawn being out for the previous weeks show. All...
mostra másBroadway talks about the recent news of a Major Tech Breach with more than 425 major companies infiltrated in what is now known as the SolarWinds breach. Justin tells us about the penetration test and tools from fire eye and how these reportedly were used as a part of the breach. With any Security breach, the talk about password management comes up and the crew talks about maintaining your own security. Justin talks about password managers such as LastPass, Shawn mentions OnePass. Justin tells us about the latest with his Xbox Series X and how fast he was able to get a replacement for a problem unit. Justin talks about how the glitches in Cyberpunk 2077 can be funny. Shawn tells us about the new World of Warcraft and the streamer Azmongold.
Andy talks with Tony Anscombe, Chief Security Evangelist at ESET. Tony tells us about the latest products from ESET for Personal and business protection. What is the difference between Malware and a Virus? Those in the Tech world have often recommended ESET NOD32 for a Variety of reasons, Tony tells us about some of those reasons and outlines the product to help you stay protected.
This Weeks Website of the Week is a site shared by our Veterans Justin and Broadway - Shopmyexchange.com can allow a service-connected veteran that has been disabled to order online from Military bases Exchange.
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