Episode 34 - How Dairy Is Critical For Kids In The First 1000 Days

17 de dic. de 2024 · 22m 3s
Episode 34 - How Dairy Is Critical For Kids In The First 1000 Days

DMI’s Megan Maisano speaks with DMI’s Scott Wallin about how the checkoff is sharing dairy’s impact on children with the “First 1000 Days”. She also explains how the checkoff is...

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DMI’s Megan Maisano speaks with DMI’s Scott Wallin about how the checkoff is sharing dairy’s impact on children with the “First 1000 Days”. She also explains how the checkoff is promoting this research through our nutrition and health professionals and to consumers via trusted online resource centers.   Tune in to find out! To learn more about the national dairy checkoff and your local dairy checkoffs, please visit dairycheckoff.com Host & Guest:
  • Host: Scott Wallin, Vice President of Farmer Communications & Media Relations, Dairy Management Inc.
  • Guest: Megan Maisano, MS, RDN, Director of Nutrition & Regulatory Affairs
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Autor Midwest Dairy
Organización Midwest Dairy
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