Episode 414: Ernesto Talks Money Buys Happiness

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Today on the podcast we play an away game in the Neighbourhood Creative in Toronto. On the show today we bring Ernesto Gaita to the show, he is 1/2 of...
mostra másErnesto brings a bright energy to the table and makes sure you check out their channel on Youtube
- Ernesto talks about the start of the podcast Money Buys Happiness.
- What is missing in Toronto with entrepreneurship & content creation
- Ernesto talks about the deal with Happy Day Selter, Kyle from Nelk Boys and the umbrella with distribution and branding.
- How did the name start with Money Buys Happiness show?
- How does controversy create cash in content creation?
- The violence In Toronto when does it stop?
- Business, entrepreneurship and finically literacy why did we not learn this concept?
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ernestogaita/ MONEY BUYS HAPPINESS YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcQijWgy0S1vyfPm_BhYNPw/videos MONEY BUYS HAPPINESS PODCAST: https://open.spotify.com/show/4DzyFZDvEHVT8ArGusePGs?si=a9d06f434e7043f6&utm_source=hoobe&utm_medium=social&nd=1 FULL SEND CLOTHING: https://fullsend.com/collections/home?utm_source=hoobe&utm_medium=social NELK BOYS: https://www.instagram.com/nelkboys/ NEIGHBOURHOOD CREATIVE.CO: https://www.instagram.com/neighbourhoodcreative.co/
Autor | Rory Mitchell |
Organización | Rory Mitchell |
Página web | - |
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