Episode 581: Show Title: Perception: Seeing Is Not Believing, It Is Time to Evolve

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6-8-20 Host Allen Cardoza interviews James Purpura Feeling abandoned by everyone and everything, filled with self-hate and rage at the world, James turned to drugs and then petty theft to...
mostra másFeeling abandoned by everyone and everything, filled with self-hate and rage at the world, James turned to drugs and then petty theft to fuel his addictions. Then he found himself in prison, locked up in solitary confinement.
Depressed, bulimic, hopeless, running away from an abusive relationship, and suffering through decades of silence after being sexually abused as a child, Steph found herself alone in a hotel room. She tied a rope around her neck, dropped to the floor, and everything went black. Two people in crisis, worlds apart, independently arrived at the same conclusion. Own your life, or lose it!
In their new book and film entitled Perception: Seeing is Not Believing, James and Steph Purpura recount in raw detail how those tragic events became the catalyst for dramatic life changes that brought them together, and their discovery of the keys to unlocking their perceptions, challenging their beliefs, and changing their behaviors.
According to James, It doesn't matter where you are currently in your life, whether you are at the top of your field, just getting started, or somewhere in between. If you take the time to fully understand the concepts and apply them to your life, you will achieve a level of self-mastery you never dreamed possible. It is time to rise up and experience your life to the fullest. It is time to evolve."
Autor | Allen Cardoza |
Organización | Allen Cardoza |
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