Episode 61: The Collapse of the Murdaugh Dynasty Part 4 - The Double Homicide

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Episode 61: The Collapse of the Murdaugh Dynasty Part 4 - The Double Homicide
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Although the notorious Murdaugh family was known for all of the negative media presence within the last few years, Paul and Maggie Murdaugh were people too. Both Paul and his...
mostra másMaggie was an extremely driven and honest woman who would cross paths with Alex at the University of South Carolina, and their marriage would eventually follow producing two children, Buster and Paul. They would go on to build their legacy for many years without issue, until three mysterious deaths would occur, all of which would mention the Murdaugh name, and then would follow the tragic double homicide of two of their own.
Listen to Tiffany tell Sam the tale of the loss of Paul and Maggie and you tell us.... Do you think Alex Murdaugh is responsible, or was it all a set up of some sort?
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Netflix Documentary: Murdaugh Murders - A Southern Scandal
(3) Maggie Murdaugh was "running to her baby" when she was shot, prosecutor says (cnn.com) Paul Murdaugh’s Final Tragic Texts Revealed (yahoo.com)
Murdaugh family killings: A timeline of murder and mystery in South Carolina | CNN
Who was Paul Murdaugh and how did he die? | The US Sun (the-sun.com)
Autor | Cola City Crime |
Organización | Tiffany Pagan |
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