Episode 62 - Are you a leader ?

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Do you believe you are a leader? Why or why not ? What attributes do you think define a leader ? In this episode, I talk about the three attributes...
mostra másWhy or why not ?
What attributes do you think define a leader ?
In this episode, I talk about the three attributes that I think are most important for a leader and the importance of each of them
Her belief in herself, ownership pf her current results and her commitment towards her vision are what the most important
In this episode, you will also hear about my amazing client Samta Singla who I have been working with for last 6 months and who is such a great example of a leader. Her vision to help people become fit using food as a healer is such an inspiring one. and she has helped people lose incredible amount of wright using her unique approach in just 12 weeks. Check out her work at
if you are a woman leader with these attributes and you want the tools to become laser focused on your vision and 10 X your impact then head over to www.mindtalesconsulting.com and book a consultation at the bottom right corner
Enjoy listening :)
Autor | Kavita Popli |
Organización | Kavita Popli |
Página web | - |
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