Episode 63 - Enjoy being 'YOU'

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Do you enjoy being yourself? Do you take a delight in being yourself? Chances are you do sometimes, but most of the other times, you don’t You have this huge...
mostra másDo you take a delight in being yourself?
Chances are you do sometimes, but most of the other times, you don’t
You have this huge list of what’s right vs. wrong that you don’t give yourself freedom to just be
You keep judging yourself against this criteria and never let that unique version of ‘YOU’ come out
That is opposite of enjoying yourself
In this episode, I talk about how your borrowed beliefs of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ stop you from getting in touch with your most unique self and how that is such a disservice to yourself and others
You are unique among 7 billion people. Tune in to this episode to know how to tap into that uniqueness and enjoy being uniquely ‘YOU’
Book your free consultation with me at www.mindtalesconsulting.com and gain clarity of the obstacles that block you from being your unique self.
Enjoy listening :)
Autor | Kavita Popli |
Organización | Kavita Popli |
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