Episode 64 - Fear of being complacent

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Do you find it hard to chill out when you have set goals for yourself ? Do you feel like you have to keep tight control on you to stay...
mostra másDo you feel like you have to keep tight control on you to stay on track to achieve those goals ?
Do you fear becoming complacent if you were to relax and chill out more?
If you said “Yes” to any of these, you are making your life hard.
In this episode, I talk about how fear of being complacent is an unfounded fear that shows your lack of belief in yourself.
This becomes the reason ambitious women like you end up working way too hard to accomplish what can be accomplished with ease
Contrary to what you might think, you don’t become complacent when you chill out, you actually end up being more focused and accomplish more
This is hard for my clients to wrap around because of their deep rooted beliefs.
In this episode, we go deeper into those beliefs and challenge them so they lose grip on you. Listening to this will help you have more fun while achieving your goals faster.
Book your free consultation with me at www.mindtalesconsultung.com to know what it takes to 10 X your performance while having more fun in the process.
Enjoy listening :)
Autor | Kavita Popli |
Organización | Kavita Popli |
Página web | - |
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