Episode 66: Bonnie Gray- Keeping Our Hearts Open

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Sometimes the resilience of humans astounds me. On this week’s episode, I talk with author and speaker, Bonnie Gray, who is an incredible model of resilience and persevering faith. In...
mostra másBonnie loves inspiring women to experience deeper intimacy with God, specifically addressing topics of soul care, stress recovery, and emotional healing through storytelling, visual arts, nature, prayer, and meditation. She has written three books and her writing has been featured in outlets such as Relevant Magazine, KLOVE, and Christianity Today.
In this week’s episode, Bonnie shares about her struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, what drew her to God as a child, how she’s found soul care to be essential in her own journey, and how she’s been able to keep her heart open to God amidst all the trials she’s undergone. My hope is that as you listen today, you might know that your story matters, and that in the midst of whatever you are going through, you are seen, known, and loved.
Autor | Melissa Louise Johnson |
Organización | Melissa Louise Johnson |
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