Episode CII: Ahsoka Part 6 "Far, Far Away" Thoughts

21 de sep. de 2023 · 22m 16s
Episode CII: Ahsoka Part 6 "Far, Far Away" Thoughts

The Boys are Back in Town! Long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Its time the characters of Star Wars experienced what we do everytime we sit down...

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The Boys are Back in Town! Long time ago, in a galaxy far far away... Its time the characters of Star Wars experienced what we do everytime we sit down to watch Star Wars. This weeks Ahsoka takes us to a whole new galaxy for the first time in the visual medium which is crazy to say as I type it. The sense of other worldliness is palpable throughout this episode which is full of Nightsister intrigue, undead armies (?), and the return of the golden-voiced Admiral himself, Thrawn. Lars steals the show as Thrawn employing his magnetic voice and speach pattern that made him so enthralling in Rebels. But Thrawn isnt the only one to return, we also get Ezra, pretty easily I might say? Baylan's plan continues to unfold as Shin looks on him with new eyes. Here all these thoughts and more, enjoy!

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Autor Mark Iacobino
Organización Mark Iacobino
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