
Episode One Hundred Seventy Three: By The Hand Of God

18 de jul. de 2024 · 43m 57s
Episode One Hundred Seventy Three: By The Hand Of God

New details emerge about Saturday's attempted assassination of Donald Trump including the encounter on the rooftop and the danger of sloped roofs (0:00-41:00). Trump is now perceived as a religious...

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New details emerge about Saturday's attempted assassination of Donald Trump including the encounter on the rooftop and the danger of sloped roofs (0:00-41:00). Trump is now perceived as a religious figure saved by divine intervention (41:00-60:00). Trump's former opponents line up to praise and endorse him at the RNC. (1:00:00-1:10:10). JD Vance becomes Trump's running mate (1:10:00-1:30:00). Trump's private conversation with RFK Jr is leaked and Morning Joe didn't know they were suspended (1:30:00-1:47:00). Another disasterous week of media for Joe Biden (1:47:00-2:05:00). Still too early for polls, Elon opens wallet for DJT and a key witness from Penn State scandal passes away. (2:05:00-2:25:00)
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Autor Workhouse Connect
Organización Workhouse Connect Studios
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