"Erik Watts Shoot: A Legacy in the Wrestling World

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"Erik Watts Shoot: A Legacy in the Wrestling World
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Erik Watts, son of the legendary wrestler and promoter Bill Watts, is part of a rich lineage of second-generation wrestlers, including names like Dustin Rhodes, the Von Erichs, the Hart...
mostra másBill Watts, Erik’s father, left an indelible mark on the wrestling world, battling the great Bruno Sammartino in Madison Square Garden and later gaining wisdom as a booker under the guidance of Eddie Graham in Florida. Bill eventually established his own territory, Mid-South Wrestling, and its UHF television program, helping to launch the careers of stars like the Junkyard Dog, The Rock 'N' Roll Express, Jim Cornette, Ted DiBiase, and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
Before Erik could follow in his father’s footsteps, Bill insisted he complete college, where he played quarterback for the University of Louisville. This achievement paved the way for Erik's entry into the world of professional wrestling, bringing with him a background in athleticism and discipline.
Erik’s wrestling career began in WCW, where he was surrounded by speculation that his success was due to his father’s influence as booker. Despite this, Erik proved himself in the ring, navigating both the praise and controversy that came with being a second-generation wrestler.
Erik’s relationship with Booker Dusty Rhodes provided valuable insights into the business, and his behind-the-scenes experiences shaped his understanding of the industry. Erik's journey through WCW saw him feud with members of The Dangerous Alliance, where he achieved a notable time-limit draw against Steve Austin and defeated Bobby Eaton by submission. His victories over Rick Rude and Steve Austin showcased his potential, but his undefeated streak was ended by Rude on WCW Saturday Night.
Erik’s career in WCW included participation in the Lethal Lottery tag team match at Starrcade, victories against The Barbarian, Tony Atlas, and Paul Orndorff, and an unsuccessful but valiant attempt at capturing the WCW TV Championship. His feud with Arn Anderson marked a turning point, leading to a series of matches against Anderson and later battles against other formidable opponents like Chris Benoit and Steve Regal.
Watts' final matches in WCW saw him involved in an angle against Paul Orndorff and Paul Roma, leading to the formation of the tag team Pretty Wonderful. Despite consistent victories against lower-level competition, Erik struggled to break through against more experienced wrestlers.
Erik's wrestling career continued in the World Wrestling Federation in 1995, where he adopted the name "Troy" and formed the tag team Tekno Team 2000 with Chad Fortune ("Travis"). The duo, known for their silver smocks and tight Zubaz pants, embodied the gimmick of cutting-edge cyberculture. They made their debut on the May 27, 1995, episode of Superstars, defeating The Brooklyn Brawler and Barry Horowitz. After a brief stint on TV, the team disappeared until acting as lumberjacks for the main event at In Your House 2. Their resurfacing in 1996 failed to gain traction, and both men were released from the WWF.
Erik went on to have brief runs in ECW, New Japan Wrestling, and TNA Impact Wrestling. However, he also faced challenges, receiving the Wrestling Observer's 1992 awards for "Most Overrated Wrestler," "Readers' Least Favorite," and "Worst Promotional Tactic."
Tune into this gripping podcast on Spreaker, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Castbox, Deezer, Podchaser, Podcast Addict, Jiosaavn, and Player FM to explore Erik Watts' journey through professional wrestling. This career shoot interview offers a captivating look into the life, legacy, and behind-the-scenes stories of a man who has seen every facet of the wrestling world, making it a must-listen for wrestling enthusiasts and fans of the business.
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